Monday, April 11, 2016

Time For a Juicy Twistout!

Hey, y'all! Another week, another hair adventure! As promised, I twisted my hair up at the end of last week after that glorious puffed out twist and curl. (See last week's blog post if you want to peep the glory). I am not a fast twister, so I usually sit with a book, a towel, and my hair products and get to work. It takes me a couple of hours to set my hair in twists for a style (as opposed to quick night time retwisting.)

I know that many people swear by the LOC method (Liquid, Oil,Cream) but for years I have actually done the LCO method (Liquid, Cream, Oil) and it has always worked wonders for my hair, keeping it soft, manageable and well moisturized. The items that I use vary, but the method remains the same. Liquid, Cream, Oil (or oil based product).

This time around the tools of the trade were:

Warm water in a spritz bottle (liquid)
Kinky Curly Knot Today (cream)
Shea Moisture Curl and Style Milk (cream)
Karen's Body Beautiful Super Duper Hydrating Hair Cream (oil)

I really love these products and swear by them. They are my "holy grail" of hair moisturizing/style prep products. Well, all minus the Karen's Body Beautiful Super Duper Hydrating Cream. The verdict is still out on that one. I have no dislike for the product, in fact, I'm loving it! It's just a relatively new product for me, and I need to have been faithfully using a product for an extended period of time before I'm willing to list it as a "holy grail" product. ;-)


Just in case my LCO method isn't clear to you (you might be saying, "But Tanya, that last product with the LONG name is definitely a cream, as is stated on the jar, so you are LOCing as well, not LCOing", lol), let clarify for you. The Karen's Body Beautiful Hair Cream is oil based. It's first ingredient is shea butter. It also contains Argan Oil and vegetable wax. It has good non-oily stuff in it too, like Aloe Vera Gel, vegetable glycerin and vitamin e oil😁, but it behaves like an oil on my hair, sealing in the moisture nicely. A pretty yummy mix if you ask me.😋

So the first step to this process was to separate my hair into four big sections. This step just made the hair easier to deal with so that I wasn't working with a large mass of hair from the start. Also, it ensured that I'd have roughly the same sized twists around my head when the process was completed because I was working with four sections of roughly the same dimensions.

I took the first section, separated out a smaller section, spritzed the hair, applied each product one at a time, and then twisted the hair. I did not require large amounts of each product. A dime sized amount per section was enough for each twist. I often put Bantu Knots on the ends of the twists in order to ensure lovely curls, but I didn't this time, as I intended to wear the twists as a style and didn't want the ends getting in the way of my pinning and tucking, lol. Here's what the twists looked like when I was done.

As you can see, there's definitely some shrinkage, as I twisted the hair while wet (I got it well beyond damp, saturating it pretty thoroughly with both water and product because I wanted high definition.

I wore these twists (usually pinned back with a barette) for a couple of days, and rocked a twist out for church on Sunday.

Look at my SILVER STRANDS, tho!!!!! 💁🏾 Yaaaas, hunty!

Here's a little more sunday action:

Oh. And did I tell you that I'm digging the color yellow lately? I've been wanting a yellow dress for about a year. For now, I'm rocking the nail polish. The dress will come.

All in all, I feel like this was a good hair week. The twists worked out well as a protective style. I grabbed them up into about eight chunky twists for the night, and tied it up for bed. I am going to wear this twist out for another week or so, and then give it a wash.

So that's me. What are you doing with YOUR hair this week, lovlies?

Don't forget to check out my youtube channel to follow my latest hair and family adventures!
Black and Natural in Jerusalem
Love and blessings!